A Pilot Survived a Plane Crash And 15 Hours Among Hungry Sharks

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So please
1.watch this video again, turn on the subtitle
2. and add the words on your vocabulary book!
3.Listen many times until you understand it ,
4.and read along or repeat this story!
Some words are not as often used, so you may skip those words but there are many good words we use in our daily life!
See you soon !
Words and Definitions.
Managed to (do)
To do something through luck or effort (not easy to do)
Ex: There was a lot of homework but I managed to finish it.
Ex: He managed to fight off the sharks in the ocean
Rely on: to depend on, to get help from
Ex: I rely on my mom for dinner.
Ex: We rely on the car navigation (navi) to show us where to go.
Immediate(ly): right away, without waiting
Ex: It started to rain so I opened the umbrella immediately.
Ex: She immediately called her mom when she found some money.
Messed up: a messy, chaotic, or problematic situation
Ex: His mom was angry because his room was messed up.
Ex: The school schedule is messed up because of corona virus.
Encourage: to cheer for someone, to help someone feel better
Ex: My mother encouraged me to study hard.
Take for granted: to not value someone or something enough, you don’t appreciate enough
Ex: He took his health for granted until he got very sick.
Favor (v.) Favorable (adj.): to show a preference
Ex: He favors England over other European countries.
Ex: She showed a favorable attitude towards the young, cool coworker.
Flirt (v.): to show someone that you like them romantically
Exaggerate (v.): to make something sound more serious than it really is
Ex: My father exaggerated the size of the fish he caught.
Imply (v.) to hint at something, to give a certain feeling with out saying it directly
Confess (v.): to tell the truth, to admit to something
Ex: He confessed to eating her cake.
Ex: The shoplifter confessed to stealing the bracelet.
Stereotype (n.): a fixed idea about someone, a group of people, country, etc…